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The Repulic Difference

Scroll down to read more about how we do things differently than most fence companies!

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We use 16' long rail boards, not the cheaper 8'. Doing so enables us to stagger the joints, and no one post having all 3 joints. This "interlocking" effect vastly improves the fence's strength and wind resistance, as it can now evenly spread out the load.


Probably the single most important thing we do differently is found in our nails. First, we use electrogalvanized ring shanked nails in the appropriate length, but more importantly, we drive them at opposing directions. This gives the picket a "tree root" type effect, and really helps the picket resist warpage. You won't often find a fence company this detailed.


We use a 10' long bump jig to achieve perfect top reveal and top-line aesthetics. Some fencers use a string, that can be easily moved by wind or lifted by touching with a picket top, or may even sag without being noticed. This top line is probably the first thing the eye is drawn to when looking down or quartering angle to a fence, and we understand that nobody wants an uneven top!


The post is the most important part of fence's framework. All of our posts are set to appropriate depths (28"-29" for 6' fence) and we take the time to bell-shape the hole. Being larger at the bottom than at the top gives a footing a ton of added strength. We then consolidate and compress the concrete mix, using what is commonly known as the Dry-pak method, which is an accepted ASTM standard for residential fence systems.


Have you ever noticed some wood fences that have noticeably different rail spacings? We hate that, and we always pay attention to spacing our rails evenly to achieve the maximum level of beauty on the rail side of the fence. 


We want to step back from your fence and enjoy looking at it, the day we build it AND for years to come. That is not possible without being selective on the material we commit to the fence. We take the time and pay attention to cull any material that hosts a defect that can pose a detriment or vulnerability to your fence. You're not paying for junk lumber, so we're not selling it to you! 


Most of our customers are keeping in dogs or other pets, and probably prefer to keep out unwanted critters, too. We strive to balance a small bottom gap with a clean and smooth top line. Ultimately, we can only do so much with rough or uneven ground, but our number one concern is keeping the wood off the ground, so that debris passes under and moisture cannot wick upward.

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